yeay..i'm happy!!its been 5 years now...uuuuuuuuuuu...i'm trully feel blessed, bahagie plus dicintai sepenuhnye oleh die~
for sape2 yg still ingat time aku kat pasum...bile korg dtg je korg akan dgr..chitake...chitake..chitake...haha giler kan aku?6 bulan aku kejar die wei..haha n mamat sombong berhidung bongkak tu mmg chittt taik kucing saje wat aku merane~
aku ingat time ieja dtg pasum n aku nangis2 psl chitake then ieja ckp, lek2 bido nnt aku g mekah aku doakan ko ngan die eh..and ieja did! doa kat tempat sumwhere adam n hawa 1st met in bumi. haha (lawak2) bongok kan aku??hahaha n u know what, now he did prayed for us at the same place too..siap tulis name ktorg lg kat tiang 2 (i dont know what they call the 'tiang') tp mmg byk la name couple2 kat ctu..haha thanx iej n B!
act chitake xberape suke aku sgt awal2 2 sbb he thought that i'm a playgirl yg always lepak2 dgn sume jejake idaman pasum everysingle night.. (duhh aku saje nk wat die jeles n notice kewujudan aku la time 2) haha 2la die ignored je when he knew that i like him.. :( yg lg membuat aku sedih jiwe merane is bile pike2 of all sume guys yg minat aku nape he's not in the list..huh lg miserable bile dgr lagu2 the moffats - walking behind+just another phase...haha inilah keceper namenye (kecewe dlm percintaan)..haha n finally at the end of october 2003, br la dpt lepak2 ngan chitake n acap said he wanna make move..n i'm so flattered abes tho ms 2 dah give up dah ngan mamat nih..hehe i m just being fair, gave him peluang to tackle+cairkan aku abes-abesan..n the final score = he passed with xtra marks~ haha n the words that i ve waiting for so long from him, he said like this "can u be my victoria?" (err coz die prasan beckham ms kat pasum) n another 1 "if im ur chitake, can u be my cha yang soon?" (cha yang soon is heroin for chitake la, the characters yg aku pnjm lam 1 cte korean ni)haha n at 11.11pm on 11.11.03 i ve said, yes i ll be ur cha yang soon n ur victoria...haha (malu2)...those days.........
n now, i know, sumtimes i m very mean to him coz i cant accept the facts that he just being 'boys will be boys' and i m being me-loving him..or can i say -obsessing him??haha lol~ ya i know i m crazy....but chichi always listen n do what i wanted him to do..bgs kan?not like sumother guys yg akan 'masuk telinge kanan n keluar telinge kiri' bile gf drang membebel..huhu aku bersyukur!n i love him very much..always and forever..thats all i want to say~
5 years ago
hehe nien..aku ingt sgt date tuh..
a.k.a nuzul Quran.bole ke aku lupe??takkan!
hmm bid+bad..korg jeh aku rse couple pasum yg still teguh bsme.5thn tuh..wah bravo2.hope it will last foreva.cpt2 kawen!!=))
amin!!sape tanak kawen cpt??aku nak..doakan aku! =)
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